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The Thin Line Between Us( Love And Drama) Completed - Elmnur

"Are you sure you're there to make peace?" I questioned him.
He gave me a confusion look.
"Excuse me?" he asked with annoyance in his voice.
"If you're there to make PEACE then why thousand of innocent people die.... Women, Children" I said this time I raised my voice, I was really angry.

"Everyone knows that Palestine is safe now" he said.By the look on his face he was angry.
"Thats what the media wants us to believe, I have one question, if thats ok" I questioned him, he nodded his head and said "Sure go ahead".
"Have you ever been in Palestine?" I questioned, he shook his head as no.
Silence filled the room, it was death silence, until I decided to break it.
"Then dont tell me that Palestine is safe or its in peace, We may own the name Palestine but we do not own the land because of your country." I shout out last part,with that I grabbed my bag and my notes and headed towards the exit until I heard him speak again.
"I will not discuss that with you in here" he said.
I shook my head in disbelief and walk out the conference room.

Rana Kaya 20 years old, half Turkish and half Palestinian girl who witnessed her mother's death, she was only eight years old when she saw her mother hanged herself before her eyes. Now 12 years past, almost every night she has night mares about her mother suicide,cant forget or forgive her past. One day she meets David Stasi 25 year old lawyer and Israeli representatives nephew. They instantly hate each other, but little do they know they are falling for each other.

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Autor: Elmnur Etiquetas: