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When Calamity Strikes - Gxtx_me

Life's a mess. Sure you can guess.

Meet Amity Roy, an 18 year old girl and the royal Prince Caleb Everett of the same age. Sparks fly whenever they meet.
No, not the love type. Actual sparks resulting in a wildfire of insults.

She rides motor bikes, he can't balance a bicycle.
She takes hours to sit on a horse, he can control one blindfolded.
She wants to roam the world, he finds the world in his town.
She is trained in martial arts, he prefers only the 'arts' part.
She has dreams, he believes in destiny.

When these opposites collide, will their worlds too? 'Cause even their ship clearly warns CalAmity.

And secrets enclose an important part of what makes them.

Read for some good (bad) puns, pun-ches, a kickstart on a new outlook of life and a feel of royalty.

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