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Stunning Psycho (bwwm) - Alexizabe

What would you do if you witnessed your crush murder someone?

Sara has been in love with Vincenzo since she first met him, his casual disregard for everything around him was irresistible.

On a mission to finally confess her feelings to him, she stumbled across an imaginable crime that he committed.


"I like you.. I like you a lot" I said shaking in fear as I stared into the gun burrow.

The man chuckled darkly, for the first time since I met him.
"Even now when you're inches from death." He asked.

"E-Even now." I said, my lungs filling up with burning air as the gun is moved and pressed into my temple.

"Then you're more of a psycho than I am."

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Autor: Alexizabe Etiquetas: