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Painting Of The Nine Immortals - Springsmelodys

Painting of the Nine Immortals summary:
Untolerated by heaven, a boy was restricted by the most powerful spell. He accidentally acquired a painting inhabited by nine souls that claimed to be immortal. Then, the legend of a strong young man who violated heavenly principles against the course of nature began.

My Notes:
Just so you guys know, I did not write this novel. I purely love and adore this book for its vast descriptions to its knowledge of the things I'm interested in reading. I wanted to share and let others enjoy and maybe even begin their journey in these types of books. Please enjoy and write good feedback, I'll be sure to send it to the author. :3

[For the last few months, I'm terribly sorry that I haven't been posting. Turns out, I got a little sick and had to stay in the hospital for a while. I'm better now, so I shall continue with these chapters. They won't be daily, though I do apologize. So I hope you can still continue with reading this amazing novel that I, myself, enjoy]

Just to say too, if anyone of you guys has a novel like this one, I would greatly appreciate it if you shared it with me, I'm dying to read any good ones, I personally like cultivating, weak to strong, smart protagonist, no romance or love, and it either can be a male lead, but if it's a female lead then there can be romance.

Thanks for waiting so long for me, I love you all.

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Autor: Springsmelodys Etiquetas: