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Maybe, I Am Wrong. - Typical_indiangirl

Sometimes, loyalty comes easy. The companionship is eternal. And, 'Hey, I have your back.' is unsaid but the ultimate truth. Some relationships, have problem, different than others. The perfection and the team work may leave people in awe and they are indeed noteworthy in today's world! But... is that enough? Isn't Respect the most important thing? What if one person is chiselled to perfection and another an average being? From outside the love shines through for they are together! From inside also Love shines through... but.. somewhere in the middle, the dominance leads to a crumbling and in between the perfect moments, the imperfect ones begin to eat your love filled heart up.... this poem speaks of such an experience that demands acceptance... of imperfection...

A.N:- This poem is a part of one of my stories yet to release, but I decided to post it individually!! Review!!

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Autor: Typical_indiangirl Etiquetas: