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[information] - Axemelerus

[this arg was made on 14th of april 2021]
[WARNING! Although this story might seem realistic, it actually isn't. Nothing in this book happened. And if something occured in the past simmilar to what's in the book or if something would occur in the future simmilar to what's in the book then it's coincidence. This is an ARG. This means it requires you(the reader) activity. You can decode many codes in the posts or you can try making theories in the comments. You can POSSIBLY interract with the protangonist via comments! This ARG was made with intent of it being live a "POV" of someone's diary. Remember THIS IS ALL FICTION AND NEVER HAPPENED. The main character here,"Detective" is a fictional character that is "writing" this diary in this fictional universe of a story. Anyways Good luck!]
[NOTE:This series might have pictures or mentions of some internet websites. I just want to say that these websites do not belong to me. They belong to their respective owners. They were only mentioned for the sake of the plot development. If you are owner of the website mentioned in this story I will delete the name of your website and replace it with a website I made up in my mind]
[WARNING!Age rating : 13-18]
[As of 20.6.2021 it's in 99# place in the "ARG" category ranking on wattpad]
[As of 24.6.2021 it's on 48# place now
[As of 29.11.2021 its 3# place on ascii category]
Hello? Is anybody here?

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