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Gangleaders Sister (gang Leader #3) - Roxy-luthenburg

Annalise was born into a wealthy family. She lives with her mom, her brother, Jake, his wife, Ema and their son.

It's not that she's oblivious to her brother being a gang leader, specially since it's to the biggest gang in the country, she just doesn't bother with it.

She's been thought from a young age how to protect herself and knows how to use weapons but doesn't work with the gang (well most of the time). After another gang starts aiming attacks towards the family, her brother decides to hire someone to protect her, even if she can protect herself.

What if she finds out her new 'protector' is none other than Cameron Harrison, the person she hates with all her being. No one knows why but she does.

Will they get along until he doesn't have to protect her or will they end up killing each other?

Third book of the gang leader series.

Gangleaders baby (gang leader #1)
Gangleaders son (gang leader #2)
Gangleaders sister (gang leader #3)

If you do not mind spoilers read on, if you have already read the others thank you and enjoy.

PS. If you find any errors please tell me so I can fix them. This is not my first language and even if I have been speaking it for a really long time, I mess up from time to time. Thank you.


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Autor: Roxy-luthenburg Etiquetas: , , , , ,