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Cof 2: The Soul Spells - Exequinne


An incurable plague. A siege against the Temple of Souls. A dangerous journey to finding oneself.

Xanthiene Vivenca, after the grueling battle in the Human Queen's palace, is now at the doors of her real race, the Brownies. She had hoped to find solace in Alkara, the ruling city of the Brownies. But when a dangerous plague creeps inexorably closer towards the Capital, Xanthy finds herself knee-deep on a mass grave with lives to save.

With hundreds of Brownie lives in her hands, a dangerous path to tackle, a rebellion against the only place that can help her, and an unexpected enemy brought about by her mistake, Xanthy must learn to trust in her power and in herself to save everyone and finally get the peace she desires.
The war continues unseen, digging its claws on the fragile dust the world is built upon.

Can Xanthy stop the destruction before there's nothing left?

(c) 2019 (First Edition)
(c) 2021 (Second Edition)

[130,000 - 140,000 words]

[Cover by @LueurlaVespine; Banners by @Exequinne]

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