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Clay: Another Cinderella Story - Eloisebrooklyn

In this modern take on Cinderella, we follow Clay, who's our Cinderella, and Grace, a savvy entrepreneur, stepping into the role of the Prince(ss). Clay's stuck with his stepdad Bob, who's not the nicest, but his sisters are his rock. Meanwhile, Grace is hustling through the ups and downs of her business world. Despite their different walks of life, Clay and Grace meet and click. But here's the twist: the traditional roles are flipped! Instead of a prince charming, it's a princess with the power. As Clay and Grace's story unfolds, we see how love knows no bounds, not even traditional gender roles. It's a tale of modern romance, where dreams are pursued, barriers are broken, and love triumphs in unexpected ways.

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Autor: Eloisebrooklyn Etiquetas: