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Cat Saves Dog {dsmp} - Moongazer215

Neko's. Cat people. Many think them to be lazy, dumb, and not very helpful. But they were coveted for their beauty and grace.

Inu's. Dog people. Bold, loyal, sometimes loud or aggressive. Humans loved Inu's for their fierce protective nature, often using them as personal bodyguards.

Humans once treated them like property, selling them like livestock. They would work for no pay. Sometimes under cruel conditions, or against their consent. Thankfully, it has been several years since then, and the Neko's and Inu's have total autonomy.

Unfortunately, some Neko's and Inu's we're still on the black market. That's where our story begins. With a blonde, green eyed Inu locked away in a cage, about to be sold to a man with a scar on his eye.

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