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Yes, I Am Crazy - Maja Falk

I don't know when it happened, or how, but I know I'm crazy. Nothing more, nothing less. Or well, maybe add weird too.

Most people tend to stay away from me and it's no mystery why. But then those five hot guys just had to come and kidnap me. Like, why?
Because apparently my dad is the leader of an infamous gang and these teenagers want to take him down. Pfft, still doesn't count.
Now, I'm just worrying about whether or not I want to get released - an excuse for skipping school? Hell yeah!
Though there is that tiny, little issue regarding the question about if they are going to kill me or not. Might as well have a bit of fun before that happens.

Okay, so this is like my first book, and... It's... I don't know what it is. I read some stories were a crazy girl get's kidnapped, and decided to write a story like that too. So, here we are!
What's my point? I think I had one...

1# crazy (How? What? I'm confused)

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Autor: Maja Falk Etiquetas: