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Yandere! Jason Voorhees X Reader! [discontinued] - Miss Ann

I LOVE Friday the 13th!! It is one of my top favorite horror movies!!!! I haven't been able to watch all the movie's but, enough to know the story behind Jason.
Their is a part of me that is very loyal to the series and say, "Jason can't have a girlfriend/boyfriend. why? Because he kills people!! And almost every person is bad to him!" Buuuuuuuuuuut, Then their's the other part saying, "F that! SHIP HIM!!" ??
So here we go!! YAY!! I have been thinking about making more than one fanfic about friday the 13th.. But meh
Let's see how this one goes

#220 in gore
#293 in gore

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Autor: Miss Ann Etiquetas: