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Whirlwind - Sophia P Evans

It happened all slow but To me fast, it was the whirlwind I still remember the beginning ...
"Sign this papers and leave " he said, I picked up the papers and what I saw was shocking, it was divorced papers

"W-why " I asked in shock, I had just come back from the doctor office for a check up since I was feeling nauseous for the past week now but Archer didn't notice because he had been busy, now I was two months pregnant and I was getting divorced

"Don't ask me why you cheating whore, you know right now you disgust me and I am so ashamed to call you my wife " he angrily replied

"But I didn't cheat on you, please believe me let talk about this " I pleaded on my knees

"There is nothing to talk about, just leave, you and I were never meant to be and I don't want anything to do with you not know not ever " he replied with that I angrily took the papers and signed and got up stairs and packed my bags, leaving everything he bought for me and took what I own, he didn't deserve me and my baby, I took my bag and headed for the door but As I reached it I turned back

"When you finally realize what you have done don't come for me cause I won't be waiting, just be happy and live well Mr Kingston " I said and stormed out not waiting for his reply, I will raise my baby as a single mother and I was determined.

Rose Clinton and Archer Kingston story


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Autor: Sophia P Evans Etiquetas: