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When The Lights Go Out... - Kris 'n Madi ♡

Today we are getting ready for internationals, it's one of our last practices before we go, so we have to work really hard now. It's been an amazing journey from regionals to internationals and it's worth everything.

So me, Giselle, Michelle and Thalia are working on our small group when suddenly the lights start to flicker and the music gets all glitchy, in my mind I freak out a bit but I gotta stay cool because James is in the room and I can't look weak in front of him. I really like James but he doesn't know it and if I look weak in front of him he probably won't like me. Suddenly the lights turn off as well as the music and I scream. Ugh I'm an idiot now he'll think I'm weak.

"Riles calm down," Michelle said as she put her hand on my arm and it made me jump; I couldn't see a thing.
"Guys what's going on?" I hear Giselle and Thalia ask.
"Girls I don't know what's going on but we can just go outside," Michelle said as she started walking to the door, "it's not like we're locked in-...

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Autor: Kris 'n Madi ♡ Etiquetas: