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Watch Your Temper - J

Sixteen year-old Temper Adagio used to be the nice girl. But her days of being Tem-Tem, the shy girl next door, are long gone. No more reading to the elderly, lemonade stands, bake-sales, puppet-shows or dress up. Temper has changed, and runs with a new crowd. When she is peer-pressured into stealing that one pair of earrings, she gets away with it because of her charming charisma. And a few hours of community service for a week.

In a matter of days, Temper is employed at the local corner store, stocking shelves and sweeping aisles. Who knew Prince Charming would ever want to but a loaf of bread, two apples and a can of soup? Is it fate, when Temper meets him? Is it destiny? Or is it doom...?

DISCLAIMER: This novel is pretty shit, considering I wrote it when I was around 12-ish. I tried to edit it to the best of my ability but the plot is still... subpar. Read at your own discretion.

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Autor: J Etiquetas: