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Too Much Cliche - - Grace Mark -

What happens when your all-so-long fictional imagination get broke by an unceasing attack of actuality?

Aurora Morris is nothing less than a day-dreamer of romantic beliefs. Instead of being a smart, sometimes assy and cool engineer, she spent her twenty-four years in reading and believing in fictional romance. But after ignoring many of guys and crushed crushes of her life, hopes get scatter and she went piqued.

Outraged by constant rejections and rare irk-undesirable proposal, she decides not to give any significance to boys. Will this decision last long or old-habits will come back as the every-day sun?

A weird girl, a must-be-gay boss, a dog and a not-so-cliche story of a cliche believer.

It's time to have a new cliche!

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Autor: - Grace Mark - Etiquetas: