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Thousand Dollar Friend - Luna Rose

"Make friends with my daughter, and I'll pay you a thousand dollars."

Tara's junior year of high school is turned upside down after she collides into the life of Aurora Rosenberg, the autistic teenage heiress to Rosenberg Technologies. Mr. Rosenberg's offer feels wrong... but he says his daughter has no real friends, and Tara's family is desperate for cash. Now what?

Tara needs to make this work. It doesn't matter that her best friend moved away. Or that she may lose her house. Or that her other friends no longer like her.

Oh, yes: and there's a cute boy involved. And the mystery of why Aurora's dad is so desperate to buy her a friend, when Aurora is hardly a social pariah... As Tara watches pieces of her life fall apart, and new things come together, she must figure out what she values most.

Rated mild PG-13.
The discussion space is meant to be friendly and safe for minors. Hate towards people with disabilities, any letter in the LGBTQIAPN+ community, or other groups isn't welcome.

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Autor: Luna Rose Etiquetas: