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The Thoughts That Crossed Everyone's Mind - Devashree Roy

Life is always lived on the edge.
-Will Smith.
When I was a child, I used to dream a lot.. Like every other child. I used to think that I can do anything I want even I can go to mars!!!(I really had that thought) But hold on... That was just the beginning... What happened next, gave a big blow to my confidence, nearly my every dream was shattered and I started thinking that I was good for nothing.. I felt like piece of shit in this mighty world.
Yes...I am talking about the time when you feel like shit in your life. When you go through that emotional turmoil which can change you as a person. Remember I'm talking about the change in you and not the change in your life.
You know everyone in this world talk about the change in life..but it's not the change in life which maters. Change in life is just a consequence. It's only a result or output of change in your inner self. So ...

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Autor: Devashree Roy Etiquetas: