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The Physicians Lady - Gracerchapman

Lady Aria Alford, daughter of the Duke of Wellington has always dreamed of finding love. However, her occasional clumsiness and unspoken demeanor cause her to be a less than desirable woman of society as she is often reminded. Her love of reading and adventurous spirit may lead her down a path she did not expect and allow her to meet someone with the potential to make her dream a reality.

Lord Nicholas Sterling, aspiring physician and son of the Earl of Suffolk dreams of starting his own practice after returning back home from studying and travelling abroad. Hardships paint the way for Nicholas as well as unexpected blessings in accomplishing his goal. Something he was not prepared for was meeting a beautiful woman with sparkling blue eyes who would take him on a journey he could not have conjured on his own.

Unforeseen circumstances, mystery, murder? Much awaits Aria and Nicholas as their paths cross. Both looking to accomplish their dreams, but just what will it take to reach them?

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