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The Only Girl Left - H

Ariana is a normal girl who is 13 and goes to a normal school. One day, a virus came out in her town. The virus killed all females and was starting to spread across to other towns and cities. The virus is called femnia and has no cure. Every day in school a few girls don't come because they have died and Ariana is waiting for her turn. She has a sister which is four years old and wants to protect her by teaching her herself instead of taking her to school. Her mother, she was the first person to have the virus and Ariana is devastated. Slowly, the town is running out of females and Ariana is still alive. But yet does she know, that she will have to be the only girl, and she will have to face the consequences...


Highest Ranking: #502 in Teen Fiction - 20/12/16

The cover is made by me but the photo credits go to the photographer.

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Autor: H Etiquetas: