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The Eyes That Hold The Truth - Ohmyjoshsodunwithyou

[?] This story has been temporarily taken down by the author for editing. My sincere condolences [?]

(last edited 4:33 PM ET 4/22/20)

[?] Trigger Warnings [?]

This story contains:

#[?]strong language

#[?]mature content

#[?]mentions of death


#[?]mentions of past trauma


#[?]mentions of abuse


If there are any other triggers within the story that you notice and possibly take offense to, please contact me and I will make sure to add a warning. Nothing within my story will be taken out unless I feel it needs to be.

This is a story that once started out with a heterosexual relationship is now a homosexual relationship. If you take offense to this then this is your time to exit and find something different and to your likings. No one is expected to love my story and credit will be given when need be.

Happy reading [?]



The parts of the story are not always going to have the same amount of space between them. By this I mean there are no specific days where I will be uploading. I am fighting writers block and have little to no motivation for some things. Please do not take this into offense and enjoy the story.

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