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The Darling Boys (rose Award Winner) (#wattys2017) - Kyra Weiss

"I've sat behind you my entire life." I mumbled, trying my best to hide my irritation.
"Cool, Sally. So can I have a towel or not?"
I'd known Jai Darling my entire life and he still couldn't get my name right.

"The Darlings have lived next door my whole life. They kept a low profile, never leaving the house. None of them except their three boys, the boys that would soon ruin my entire life."

Sienna Hall never questioned her rude neighbors next door. They had always just been in the background. That was until Sienna saw a stranger walk into the house as if it were his own. And she does the stupidest thing possible.

She follows him.

She couldn't have ever imagined what she would find behind the closed doors. Or who and what the Darling Boys really are.

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Autor: Kyra Weiss Etiquetas: