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The Cairde Code - Cailín™

Cairde; "car-ja"; Translation: Friends - Plural for Cara [friend] - a person with whom one has a bond of mutual affection.

There is nothing Cara, an Irish girl living in America, loves more than her friends- except maybe her camcorder. It's her guilty pleasure to record the adventures that they go on together, and store them in a folder on her laptop as if they were memories at the back of her mind.

As usual a dramatic night out, involving drink and fists, gets recorded. Yet instead of being discarded into a folder, the video finds itself becoming Flash-It famous.

Cara and her friends begin their own Flash-It channel, and post video's of their meet ups and their life. A life which is pretty complicated if they do say so themselves. But when the channel causes Cara's haunting past to find her again, the group of friends worry about whether or not they can trust her to keep herself to herself.

With messed up families, messed up relationships and messed up pasts, the group do their best to stay together and remain the best of friends.

~ Cover by @falkoff ~

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