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Stars Rise - Constellations

One morning the sun rises a few hours early, striking levitating skyscrapers in Soliara ahead of schedule. People in the streets stop to look up at the sky and then down at their watches. Most of them, puzzled but disbelieving, adjust the hour on their timepieces, hoping they aren't late for meetings.

Constellation invented magic. It fuels Soliara's stellar teleportation system, rapid civil expansion, and skyscrapers that soar. After a takeover at Constellation, elite executives control the power of the stars. The son of a wealthy exec, Cristo feels entitled to a better future.

To most, the early sunrise is the only indicator that today is any different from those that came before it. To some, it is a portent of their fears that an empire at its pinnacle has no way to go but down. To Cristo, the sign couldn't be clearer. He is the perfect candidate to change the results of the takeover at the Constellation company, but the early dawn is telling him to stop.

"If the world didn't want to change, it should never have allowed him to speak." Words and magic compete for power in Soliara, an empire full of magicians who can channel the magic of the stars.

Welcome to a novel in the Constellations universe.

#3 in Contemporary Fantasy 10/09/2020
#48 in Magicians 03/01/2020
#125 urban fantasy 03/01/2020
#182 in science-fantasy 10/02/2020
#448 in fantasy-romance 10/02/2020
#506 paranormal out of 03/01/2020
Fantasy: Somewhere over the rainbow. If you love this story, help it rank in Fantasy by sharing and voting on each chapter :) A girl can dream! Thank you!

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