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Spy Girl: Metamorphosis |wattys 2019| - ¥sarah¥

Spy Girl: Metamorphosis


Michelle Morgan works at the top secret SSOST ( Secret Society Of Smart Teens) She and her best friend, Jordan, are called to Miami for, after years of training, their first mission. They are to uncover a teen bomber who has been making friends with the wrong people, and bombing several SSOST sites. Unfortunately, there is a slight problem. Michelle used to live in Miami and all her old bullies, haters, and enemies are still there, in the same high school which she is to attend. Will Michelle finally stand up to them? Or will they rip open the half healed wounds of the past, putting the safety of the mission-and her-in danger?

#34 in adventure 11/27/16
#35 in adventure 11/20/16
#37 in adventure 11/19/16
#39 in adventure 7/4/16
#49 in adventure 6/24/16
#51 in adventure 6/25/16
#57 in adventure 6/20/16
#63 in adventure 6/19/2016
#88 in adventure Feb.2015
#75 in Adventure May.2016
cover edit by @Baneen121

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