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Rell And The Rose - H.j. Nelson

A Beast stalks the night... but Beauty hunts him. A reimagining of the story you thought you knew.

Rell grew up hearing stories of the Human Realm, a fantastic world with light at the flick of a finger, metal boxes that fly through the sky; a fantastic, faraway fairytale that she knows is too good to be true. Because Rell lives in the Dark Realm: a world full of magical creatures and a low-hanging sky, all protected by The Blood Rose.

Until the day the Blood Rose is stolen away and taken to the Human Realm.

Without it, the two realms will meet with disastrous consequences, the human sun bleaching all the magic from the Dark Realm. And so Rell leaves everything she knows to bring it back. There's only one problem: the Human Realm- especially high school- is nothing like the stories. There's some sort of code with words like "twerking" and "Instagram" she can't understand, and then there's Bastien, the boy who hates Rell for reasons she can't explain. But when Rell realizes Bastien is keeping just as many secrets as she is, the two become an unlikely team in the search for the Blood Rose.

Time is ticking, and more than just The Dark Realm is at stake. Whoever stole the rose is now cursed to turn into a Beast every full moon, and is hidden among them. Students are going missing, and dark creatures are slipping into the Human Realm. Rell needs to find the Blood Rose, slay the Beast, survive high school, and sort out these new, confusing feelings for Bastien--all before the night of the full moon. To fail could mean the end of The Dark Realm and every magical creature within, but to succeed means she'll lose the boy she's falling for, and a Realm more beautiful than she ever imagined.

A modern-day reimaging of Beauty and the Beast.

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