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Rage Of Vendetta (the Vendetta Series #2) - Chloe Fairchild

In the anticipated sequel to In Vendetta House, Ariel and her gang of superpowered Cambions are back and better than ever.

Since escaping Vendetta House, a place where Cambions are killed to be used as dead, mind-controlled soldiers, they are in a race against time to stop an impending war. The Cambions have suffered through centuries of death and destruction by the Nephilum. Their only resort was to run and hide, but for very the first time, the Cambions are taking a stand. Too bad it is for all the wrong reasons, led by the wrong person. Unless Ariel and her friends can get to the Cambion council and make the rest of the Cambion population aware of the atrocities Aunt Nelly has committed to make her army, they are a lost cause. Blood calls to blood, and through a journey fueled by friendship and love, it is time for Ariel to learn that sacrifice means everything.

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Autor: Chloe Fairchild Etiquetas: