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Of The Worst Dolor - Burhan Lawal

he carried the lil baby girl paving around trying to stop her from crying. she never stopped and he started to get worried. she soon stopped and he sighed satisfied. he dropped her on her little bed as she kept mute. he went up to get her food. just then, he heard a loud scream and hurried down. he met his aunt with her baby crying. she turned in anger only to find him making food for her baby. what the hell have you done again? she yelled in tears. he was puzzled. nothing. he stammered and she hit him hard on his face. you killed her! she yelled and he staggered backwards in shock. I've always bren a barren all my life and fortunately, I have birth and now, u killed her. she said calmly in tears. I don't want to see you hear by the time I return. you're useless and worthless!! she shot her heart up and walked right pass him. hot years streamed down his face as he left.

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Autor: Burhan Lawal Etiquetas: