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Not Camera Ready - ᗯe බƦƎ ₮ⱧɆ ҒrΣΔҜs

What happens when a 23 year old girl decides to take photos of a forest with many, and i mean MANY signs that say no entry, all by herself?

Well i say, its not the brightest idea but she has a good reason for it. Her name is Y/N, and she's dying from an unknown disease that somehow made contact with her. Doctors couldn't explain what it was nor compare it to any antibiotics to cure her. All they knew was that she was slowly dying and she only had three months left to live.

She didn't want to be a bother to her family or the people she knew, so she left on a trip by herself to this forest. She wanted to be alone. Though things never go according to plan. As she is in the forest she takes many photos, videos, and does many things on her own. She has fun but as she's having fun she's making a documentary for her family to remember her.

Though her family might not be the only ones remembering her....

What happens when one dying soul, meets a fellow who you might even say is....Not Camera Ready. One dying girl against savage, murderous, yandere, and unpredictable people. Well these killers aren't the only ones with dark secrets too but oh well....What a time for her to be alive.....

(Warning/Disclaimer- This book is gonna have a lot of Mature Content and there are no warnings for any of it. This is NOT for the innocent and young minded so DO NOT read this book if you DO NOT like stuff that is Rated R or 18+. You were warned and I will not put this up again cause I have already warned you. But this is for your entertainment and I'm just giving you a heads up for what your gonna read.)
{。^‿^。 have fun!}

First published on June 14, 2020

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Autor: ᗯe බƦƎ ₮ⱧɆ ҒrΣΔҜs Etiquetas: