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Mistress Avenue - Nia

In the year 2199, time seems to have rewind to the point of horse and carriage. The great war between the most powerful nations has left all the continents powerless and stuck to where they must pursue the old ways of society, such as rules of status and practices of men owning everything. Just like the old ways, the most joyous rules for men is the free will of having mistresses.

Delilah has always been the black sheep in a home full of swans, left on the doorstep of the most successful brothel in England, she was stuck being the house maid. That wasn't until her 18th birthday when she attracted attention from a certain cowboy foreigner. Now Delilah must make a decision on whether to live as a maid on Mistress Avenue until she's old and frail, or live in the high status society as a mistress.

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