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Kaizo X Reader Book 2:([?] [?] our Past And Future[?] [?] ) - Jhansa

After what happened to Y/N,Kaizo cant accept her death.He sacrificed for 5 years without Y/N's love.Till,one day,he met her still alive.He couldn't believe his eyes seeing her still alive but how, when,and why.All he cares is that he wants her back to his life to love him forever.He saw her,she hasn't change,she still the woman that Kaizo loved.But seeing her in a hard condition hurts more than a knife being stabbed in his body.It's up to Kaizo to fix her and to make her love him back.All because Kaizo doesn't want his self to live alone,he is incomplete without Y/N.Now,he wants his love back to his life to love him and stay with him forever...

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Autor: Jhansa Etiquetas: