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Just Fine - X_oluchi_x

The word 'fine' says so many things when it's just one word.
"There's a thin line between love and hate, you know?"
"Yes, but it's very hard to cross over,"
Caught in a financial problem, Savi is desperate and looking for money. Problem after problem, life has thrown her so many obstacles she doesn't know when she is going to finish this race and cross the finish line. But this time, she really is in trouble and she is running out of ideas.
But after meeting Mr. Caden Walker, she falls into a bigger mess than she already was in, literally. And before you know it, they're fake engaged and posing for the press.

It isn't a whirlwind romance. They aren't romantic walks on the beach or sharing kisses while watching a movie- it's deeper than that. And although they're relationship isn't exactly perfect, somehow...they will be, just fine.


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