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In Dark Prince Love (after Fault) -

Sanjana who shifts from India to Boston falls in love with CEO of her hospital who happens to a doctor, she thinks that she is broken goods and not good enough for him. And Samrat Shergill (that's wat he is known by in this century) thinks the other way round. With Sam's never ending list of enemies, sanjana's psycho ex husband, Sam's past , the couple struggles to b together.
Sam and sanjana struggle with time, as they find out sanjana is pregnant with sam's child, being considered as an abomination, how Sam will protect his unborn child and the mother of his child.
They also happens to b the key to unlock a spell which was put on them since ages and now with each birth they have gathered enough curses laid on them . Will they b able to over come them and stay together or will perish to the changing times!!

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