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Hocus Pocus: Y/n Sanderson X Max Dennison (on Hold!) - Ashleygryffindor

My name is Y/n Sanderson a descendant of the Sanderson Sisters but more basically Winifred 'Winnie' Sanderson. The Sanderson's bloodline has always been gifted in magic, powerful magic mainly used for evil and dark purpose in the days of old but in the modern era it's rare. My father is the Mayor of our town in Salem apparently magic skipped his generation and passed on to me.

I'm not like my ancestors but I'm better than they'll ever be for I use my magic for good and for others. A new boy arrived at my highschool and he thinks magic, witches and everything about Halloween is fake, Yeah right!

This all started back in 1693 in Salem, Massachusetts.... The haunting tale of the Family name and the magic I bare as a good witch; A Wiccan.

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Autor: Ashleygryffindor Etiquetas: