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His Royal Love (king's Love ) - Authorhinashiekh

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the future king of his kingdom . he is used to being cruel to get what he wants . he cares for his family , his name alot . will he care enough about the girl he is getting married to . or is she going to live her life with his indifferent attitude .

a princess who loves to live a normal person life . she is humble and dont understand the royal life . what will happen when she get pulled into the politics of royals?

Mahika took a deep breath and said "i dont want to marry you "
"Why?" Darsh asked without missing a beat .

"I told you about that last night " she glovered .
"But i want you . You are suitable for being my queen . I wont have to worry about you ruining my name like your sister " he said relaxed .

"Its all about your name , your reputation right? I am warning you , cancel the wedding right now . Otherwise be ready to regret even knowing me " she said and left the library . Darsh smiled while thinking about her red angry face and went back .

(hello friends! i am back with a new story . hope that you will like it )

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Autor: Authorhinashiekh Etiquetas: