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His Possession - Jay

'What do you want from me? Your mixed signals are so frustrating!'

He sighs and walks away.

'Always running away.' I mutter to myself as my legs give in sending me to the cold floor, i wrap my hands around my knees, holding them firmly as I let a cloud of emotions entangle me and do what I've been holding back ever since that night. I sob, and sob until all that's left to drain out of my eyes are grains of salt.


I lock the door, as my sweaty palms tremble at the heartbreaking sound of her sobs.

I should've never brought her here. I should've never did what I'd done that night. She deserves more than could I ever give her. I'm too much of a beast for her fragile self. If it means hurting her to make her understand. Then I will. As much as it hurts me.

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Autor: Jay Etiquetas: