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Her Tiny Little World - Lanami

30th October 2005 , It was dark and was raining cats and dogs . I sat there with my head buried in my hands in the waiting room , my suit dripping wet . Suddenly the door opened and a woman in her mid 30s came out holding a baby in her arms .
" congratulations , its a pretty girl " she said smiling at me .
And there I saw a baby , so tiny and fragile . I was afraid to hold her .

He sweeps my hair behind my ears and swings me above his head and turns around to listen to the beautiful sounds made by the waves of the sea .
" Appa ? " I ask him and he hums in response " did I ever tell you that you are my hero ? "

" Appa !!! " A four year old came running to her dad down the stairs ,
"slow down ! you'll fall " he said .
and there she missed her step and waited for the impact , If it was'nt for her dad to act quickly she would have had an ugly purpleish bump on her head . " there , didnt I ask you to slow down " he said a bit worried . " lets do it again " she giggled and he sighed .

" Appaaa!!! you are the best " she said munching on the chocolate bar he just bought her for loosing her first tooth "

Rated -
Highest Ranking :- #1 in herworld ( 5 times )

#2 in herworld
#3 in hisworld
#3 in adoration
#3 in herworld
#4 in parentallove
#5 in herworld
#5 in parentallove
#6 in parentallove
#6 in herworld
#6 in adoration
#7 in herworld
#7 in parentallove
#8 in parental love
#8 in herworld
#9 in adoration
#9 in realstory
#9 in cheeky
#9 in herworld
#10 in herworld
#10 in realstory
#10 in adoration
#10 in parvati
#10 in parentallove
#10 in cheeky

Started : 11 june 2020 .
Ended :

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Autor: Lanami Etiquetas: