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Her Nerd - Mellogang_02

He watched in fear and the slightest but of intrigue as she walked past.

She was popular. But not for being rich.

Not for being pretty (although everyone knew she was absolutely gorgeous).

And not for being the queen bee.

She was simply the bad girl.

She got in fights with people twice her height and weight.

She lied, cheated, stole.

She was bad news and everyone feared.

Including him.

When she walked the halls, people parted ways.

When she spoke, people obeyed.

When she challenged, people backed down.

She was top dog at Silver Mills High. And that wouldn't change until she left the school.

But even so, he found himself intrigued.

Maybe she is just misunderstood?

Maybe she's alone?

Maybe she's neglected?

Either way, he thought, it's not like he would ever find out.

Little did he know, that that and so much more is exactly what would happen.

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Autor: Mellogang_02 Etiquetas: