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He Is My Mate?! - Irene

"You know quite a lot about me, don't you?", he said breaking me out of my thoughts.
"Well, you're a famous Alpha..."
"Well", he said coming a few steps closer to me, "don't believe everything you hear."
"I believe what I see and you tried to kill my brother", I said, "and a lot of other people."
We were standing inches apart from each other and even through I didn't want to admit it, I wasn't unaffected by it. Raven wanted me to take a step closer, to kiss him, to touch him, but I am not going to let her take over.
"Do not talk about things you know nothing about", he whispered with a hard glare, while his lips were hovering over mine. I just want to kiss him so bad! Well... a little kiss isn't going to harm anyone, right? I mean... No! Snap out of it!


Savannah was a normal werewolf. She was living with her family, had great friends and a boyfriend. Everything seemed to be perfect until her boyfriend found his mate, resulting in their break up and, just because that wasn't enough, her pack was attacked on the same day.
So, how do you help save your pack from an Alpha who doesn't seem to have any reason to attack?
You propose a deal and hope he will accept it.
What would make him accept it though?
And how do you deal with the fact that he doesn't even seem to care that you're his mate?

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Autor: Irene Etiquetas: