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Girl Gang - Spookypotato

Scar is at the top of her game . She is the new leader of the Eagle gang. Her gang is one of the strongest in the world. She has no emotions and never fails to do her job . But will she finally meet her match ? A hot rival leader from The Vipers gang. Watch out it is going to get messy. Love, war and heart ache is on its way.

All photos and videos used in this story do not relate to any real gang or people that I know of . They are from the internet.

'Raven grabbed me from the floor and threw me over his shoulder rather unceremoniously. My head was now laying against his back and my butt was in his face.

"Oh put me down Raven, I'm fine and anyway sanity is overrated." I groaned into Ravens back.

"What? All I can hear is mumbled jumbles. So stop speaking and save your energy." Raven didn't seemed fazed by our current position and began to stroll toward his room.' Chapter 23- Sanity is Overrated.

Translated into Arabic by @just_misha. Translation in my reading list.

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