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For The Ones We Love - - Leto Svec

The daughters of Cenarius, the dryads also had children. These children would be known as Nature Spirits, protectors of the forest. Keyleth was a Nature Spirit, coming from her grandfather Cenarius. She had direct contact with everything living, which had its benefits but it had it's disadvantages. Keyleth had to stay in nature or have a piece of it with her at all time. If she stayed in one place for to long she became connected to the land and she could feel the pain of a flower dying, like a needle stabbing her eye.

Though she was a half breed, something her people frowned upon severely. Nature Spirits we're always born as twins, all descended from Cenarius. Her mother fell in love with a Night Elf though, their forbidden love gave way to her, Keyleth Darkmoon. She was shunned by both her races, gifted both of their talents yet horrible at all of them. Flowers bloomed with her every step but when she lifted her foot the flowers disappeared and the grass returned to normal. She could control nature but only small aspects, how a branch moved in the wind. She couldn't control much but she enjoyed the simple things she could do.

Keyleth- rather Kai was always shunned mainly because she resembled a demon. Her horns resembled those of a stag really, but Night Elves we're so afraid she lived on the outskirts of town. She took night classes after her mother begged a druid friend of hers to teach Kai the art of druidism. That's when she meet the Stormrage brothers, the two of them learning about druid magic, the other one unwillingly. Though she could feel that the two of them were destined for something greater than they knew of.

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