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Falling For The Playboy... Again. {completed}[sample](sold On Dreame/ficfun) - Anne

We were best friends.

But when feelings get involved.

Heartbreak was bound to happen.

It was doomed. destined.

And then we were not.

Best friends.

He left me.

Leaving me completely shattered and broken.

Flash-forward to 3 years where I end up being the most popular girl in school, the IT girl with perfect grades, perfect friends, a perfect boyfriend and a very promising future.

In a nutshell, I am a blonde beauty with brains and perfect life.

Until, someone that I thought I would never personally encounter ever again in my life... someone that I never personally wanted to see again, shows up in my life.

Or well, jumps back into my life - my ex-best friend.

With his charming smile and his charismatic personality, he enters into my life, once again, and creates chaos, stirring the bowl of dramas and feelings, and does nothing else but forces me to question about everything I am doing and known for.

So, now after all these years of living an ex-best friend-free life, he is back... and he is back in her life for good.

The thing is, actually, will I break down the walls that I built and let him in, again?

Will we become friends once again... or something more?

Will I able to handle the possibility of getting my heart broken all over again?

And... last but not the least. Are we really meant to be?

For what I know, I don't think so... but then, who knows. We don't really see what's in the future, right?


(FYI. Formerly named, Rivals.)


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Autor: Anne Etiquetas: