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Fake Love Story 2 - Aanavats

#Ranked 1 on (24-Aug-2018) - Category :Fakeromance

#Must Read 'Fake Love Story' book before reading it, else you won't be able to understand!! Fake love story 1 is under editing process. So just complete that so that you can enjoy this. You can add this story in your reading list if you want for later reading.

All Stories end on a happy note, that's why we call them 'Happy Endings', but do you know what happened after these Happy endings.

Does these happy endings always remain happy ever after or not? Not in every case and Shanaya and Kristein also are one of these couples. There is always a story after a happy ending which is not that happy.

Can shanaya and kristein be able to continue their happy life ever after or theirs also remain a Fake Love Story.

Would Dan be able to love Aaliya or not? What would happen to their love story?

Four people, four hearts and four love Stories. Let's check out guys weather these hearts be able to end having a true love story or would they end up with one Fake Love story.

Be ready for Fake Love Story..

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Autor: Aanavats Etiquetas: