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Diary Of A Psychopath - Xxion

Thomas, a young man of only 13 years who develops multiple personalities over the years, which brings him to the edge of delirium and agony, his intelligence is always one step ahead of the ingenuity of nature, having episodes constantly that They are so disturbed that they are not the same again, looking for new paths that the destination offers them, with a great capacity to solve problems, this young man dreams so much about the parace that he can not find a solution for what he experiences day by day, he understands that the can not keep living like this, be destroying his heart every day, who can find a reason when there is no, if you just died and life is not as they do not paint, thinking that everything is a dream to live for no reason, must cling to life or simply should commit suicide, so many contemplations that it is increasingly difficult to mask their pain.

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