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Departure Lounge (completed) - Andie Rake

"Life is made up of years that mean nothing and moments that mean it all." (unknown)

When Claire makes her choice, she knows the consequences will be disastrous. It will be smeared across the High Society pages, gossiped about, her family will be shunned and shamed, irreversibly stained by her actions, her name will be tarnished, disgraced...

Scandals are not something the richer parts of society take lightly, and running out on her own wedding is definitely scandalous. Nevertheless, the moment Claire see her opportunity and she seizes it.

The plan is to hide somewhere, wait out the storm and then try to find the true meaning of her existence. Unfortunately, Fate has other ideas for her.

A chance encounter, a disaster and a promise change Claire's plans irrevocably, all while giving her a second chance at life.

Summary Edit by: @the_ductape_goddess
Completed: Jan 5 2017


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