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Dark-hair, Sea Eyes - Demonsfromabove

Order and Chaos have been at war for millennia. The universe itself has fallen victim to that war. Many planets were looted, of their possessions and of their people. Many planets were obliterated completely. Those planets that were considered "abandoned" were reserved as battlefields, as Chaos and Order both agreed to limit the amount of destruction they both caused. But both parties still conquered planets, and they still attacked each other when not on those planets albeit on a lesser scale than before.

Survivors of Earth 01 were either captured or they were snuck away by a single man. Chiron was his name, and he made sure that those he saved would have the skills to protect themselves.

The assassin known as Perseus happened to be one of them.

He roams the galaxy, not knowing why he'd left his home planet, unaware of who Chaos and Order are. His only concern was getting enough money for him and his brother to live off of and dealing with his own... responsibilities.

When Order and Chaos take an interest in him for two very different reasons, Perseus isn't concerned because unless they compensated him for his time, they'd find out nothing about him.

He didn't leave witnesses.
He didn't leave clues.
And yet somehow they still managed to get some kind of description on him.

[May contain characters from my previous fanfics, just a heads up]

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