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Aura - Greeneyelee

The rain drops pound on the earth like beats to the music of the storm. Lightening and thunder all seem to converge and light up the crystal evening sky.The clouds seem to flow like a dance to an ancient hum. The atmosphere is static as an explosion of blue light spreads across the evening sky.Time pauses and a shape appears...The shape of a foetus frozen in time with an outline so magical and a silhouette so stunning.Crossed arms and legs of the foetus glow as the stars twinkle to form a crown around its head.The largest of them all stands tall and alone in the center of its head. Energy flows through each star to all join at the center of its head. Nothing matters in the sky as all seem to bow to the spectrum of light. The stars glow a blue light that burns so bright and suddenly just as fast as it appeared, the image is gone and in its place,a baby wrapped in golden linen sleeps quietly in the bosom of a bush at the backyard of a barn.The stars blink expectantly.

...Aura is born.

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Autor: Greeneyelee Etiquetas: