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A Vampire's Life Book 3 - Tm Watkins

Scarlett is the hottest punk singer on the charts, her success and fame is world wide. She thinks that her world is performing for her adoring fans, night after night giving them amazing performances. Enter Lucas her new manager, replacing her long trusted and now retiring manager, Estelle. He is gorgeous, Scarlett is spellbound by him the second she sees him but looks can be deceptive and Lucas is more than just deceptive, he's a vampire. He's got a serious temper problem and somewhere in the depths of his barely beating heart is a man that is broken. Caught up in the world of pain and suffering that is his life, now he has to do something that he never thought possible, abduct a famous person. If Lucas thought that his life was hell before he met Scarlett, he is about to find out that it was just a walk in the park compared to his life now.
Finding their love for each other when their beginning was so troubled was always going to be difficult, so much more so when the slayers are hanging around and the prophesied war with them is looming. Join them in the adventure of their life as she creates total mayhem in his world as retribution for removing her from her life and as he struggles to maintain composure and his temper.

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© This story is copyrighted. Apart from any use permitted under the Copyright Act 1968, no part may be reproduced by any process, nor may any other exclusive right be exercised, without the permission of T.M. Watkins (xMishx) 2013/2014.

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