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Taming The Supernatural - Bianca S.

His rule of terror has been one that people have feared for centuries. Even the parents that told their children about the King as a threat have doubts about wether or not their story is true or a myth. No one has seen the King for centuries, but he has made his power known. He knows everything. No one can escape him once their branded his next victim. His power is beyond the realms. Some would say he's supernatural. No one can tame the supernatural.


This book is for a mature audience in every aspect of the sense. There will be mentions of sexual assault, murder, abuse, gender inequality and topics that need to be less stigmatized. I wanted to warn my readers. I do not support these things. They are a part of the time period and I am using them for my satire and storyline. Thank you [?]


Taming the Supernatural (Rewriting/editing)

Written by: @biancashere (me)
Cover by: @kaysimagination

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Autor: Bianca S. Etiquetas: