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Knb X Male Oc - Alicewolfgirl12

A young boy named Kogane Natsu, a emotionless and broken boy. His mother, a greedy and violent woman, abused him while his father wasn't home. Natsu didn't want to trouble his father, so he didn't say anything and hide his wounds while he was hurting and breaking on the inside behind a fake smile mask. It happened when he was 3 until he was in his last year of elementary school that his mother took it too far and broke him. His father found out when he wants to surprise his family until he saw what his wife has been doing to his beloved son. After that he divorced her and ever since then he has been more protective over his son. Natsu became emotionless since that incident, but he shows emotions when he's with people he loves and care and when he plays basketball. But he became more broken when he was in his middle school. After summer he went to Seirin high school and joins basketball again. Will Seirin make him whole again or will he be broken forever? What happened in his middle school that caused him to be broken? Will he see the people that fell in love with him? Find out in KNB x Male OC.

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